Friday, March 18, 2011

Race in America

Reading some of the articles about race that is currently in America really aren't surprising after learning what we have these past few weeks. A few articles in particular stood out to me most though because of their shocking values. One was about the lack of people who want or would appreciate their churches to be integrated for Sunday morning mass. In the opinion of the congregants, the religion (however the same) is practiced entirely differently. In African American culture a Christian service is lively with gospel and fun and a huge sense a community is felt among everyone. In European American culture a service is a lot more calm with traditional prayer. In Hispanic or Hispanic American culture a Christian service isn't even recited in english-- oddly enough, I practice Judaism and have been to one. But some people may not feel comfortable integrating with  how other cultures practice their religion. These people shouldn't feel forced to practice their religion in another way than they do- if it is a-traditional to them and they don't like to. The other article that stood out to me was significantly shorter but caught my attention none-the-less. The article was solely about whites becoming a minority within the next 50 years in the United States. Although this article is statistically backed up, I still think it lacks full credibility. I can not foresee America being majorly made up by African Americans and Hispanics judging by the amount of them there are today. How will there be such a drastic increase in such a short amount of time? It is not that I doubt the credibility or the potential of African Americans or Hispanics I just don't thin they will be able to immigrate and reproduce at such a drastic rate that they will become a majority in America.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice work throughout Amy. Especially gratifying to see the responses on Invisible Children. I hope that you continue to follow this issue as the year moves on. Also, be sure to be consistent with the levle of specificity that you use.
