Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Long Way Gone #1

Section one of A Long Way Gone really started the book at a faster pace than I had presumed it would. Taking place in Sierra Leone in a town called Mogbwemo main character, and biographer, Ishmael Beah and his brothers and a few of his friends had left home to escape from the horrific war that was coming right towards them. A quote that stood out to me early in the text that really summed up how Beah truly felt in the state he was currently in was, "These days I live in three worlds: my dreams, and the experiences of my new life, which trigger memories from the past." (Beah 20). Beah had known that what horrific things he was experiencing in his dreams weren't real, although they could probably become real. He also knew that he would not experience the happiness that he had in the past for quite a long time into the future.
I'm looking forward to reading more into this book. I haven't delved deep into into the text yet so there isn't a whole lot to base an opinion on but I can already say that I can tell it will be a tear jerker of a book. With talking to a few people who have read it they have said it is a must read and I will be happy I chose this book for the free reading assignment this semester and I am looking forward to my next four blog posts!

Amy Robinson

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