Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Current Events

Complete and utter chaos is what floods Cairo Egypt in its current states. The articles I read reflect that former President Hosni Mubarak has resigned and  turned all of his power over to the military in January. As of now the former president feels as if he is in grave danger and has fled Egypt to go to Saudi Arabia for safety. After his departure Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq resigned from his place causing even more of an uproar. Some of the videos I watched the people seemed really happy about the lack of power that their country had currently been under. There was constant yelling, of which I couldn't understand, and crowds and crowds of people everywhere. The pictures I looked at depicted a look of change and angst among much of the civilizations faces.
My research then took me to a headline and a video about how Lebonese soldiers who themselves refused to shoot were shot. I thought it was crazy that just because the refused to kill other people, they were in turn killed. This whole situation in the middle east seems to me to be avoidable, but then again I'm not the one fighting.

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