Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Million Little Pieces #5

The most important passage from section 5 of A Million Little Pieces happen to fall in the last two pages of the book. James Frey's brother had come to pick Frey up from the rehabilitation center one morning. Frey had said that he wanted to go somewhere that served cheeseburgers but his brother and his friend decided they wanted to go shoot some pool at a bar. Once they get to the bar Frey asks he brother to spot him 40 dollars and says he would pay him back once he had the money. Apprehensively his brother agrees to loan him the money but really pushes Frey to think about what he is going to do with it. Frey ends up going to the bar and asking the bartender if he could have a pint of bourbon and he has the money to pay for it. Once he got the alcohol, Frey looked at it, smelled it, and felt it. At that point he was getting mad. Eventually, after spending some time fighting what he wanted to do so badly, he called the bartender over again to pour out the alcohol. He didn't want it. To him the alcohol was "shit." I was really surprised that this had happened and it was great to read that James Frey could fight his addiction. Throughout the book I was never convinced that Frey could have the power and control over his life to be around alcohol and not use it. For Frey to have a pint of alcohol directly in front of him and not drink it was arguably the hardest thing Frey had to encounter in all of his time after being admitted into the rehabilitation center. Going to rehab made Frey  into a stronger person and helped his life drastically. I was immensely proud of Frey for asking the bartender to dump out the alcohol that he had ordered and paid for because I didn't think he was a strong enough person to do that. Throughout Frey's time at rehab he seemed to reject their ideas and ways of fighting addiction because he said those ways didn't work for him and he could fight the addiction his own way. By saying that, it seemed as if Frey were just being immature and unwilling to change, but I am now convinced that Frey truly had his own way of healing himself and fighting his addiction.

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