Tuesday, May 3, 2011

MoL: Invisible Children article #3

April 15 2011 Article: "I escaped life as a child soldier" http://blog.invisiblechildren.com/2011/04article-%E2%80%9Ci-escaped-life-as-a-child-soldier

This excerpt from Stephens past was very moving. Although it was only a few pages it went int great depth about the things that kept him going during the horribly hard times that he was going through. At only 16 years old Stephen was abducted and taken with about 40 other young men by the LRA. He went into talking about how his faith was the only thing that kept him going and his prayers were the only thing he had. He had lost his family, his friends, his belongings- everything. Stephen knew that he wasn't dead and that he could manage to live on. He explained that boys were forced to kill and girls were forced into being sex slaves. They were forced to live in horrible conditions. Stephen then escaped. He walked for days and days and finally one day he needed to sleep.When he awoke there was a Ugandan soldier was there to get him to a hospital and help him find his family.

yours truly,

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