Tuesday, May 3, 2011

MoL: Invisible Children article #1

 December 15 2005 The 'Invisible Children' of northern Uganda- http://silverchips.mbhs.edu/story/6012

This article tells a basic story of what Invisible Children is as an organization, who Joseph Kony and  the LRA are and what the community can do to help with the organization. I liked how the article was structured by giving detailed information from the documentary. It really set the mood in the beginning of the article. Then the article talked about what an AP world history class was doing to help Invisible children so the reader, especially coming from someone who is a teenager, could relate and feel as they too should donate and help raise awareness to Invisible Children ourselves. The article used striking statistics that stood out such as 90 percent of the LRA's troops are now made up of children, and 77 percent of child abductees had seen someone murdered that alarm the reader and really make an anyone feel at urge to get involved. The reader was finally left with one inspirational quote from the movie, "'These innocent children are Invisible: because they roam distant battlefields away from public scrutiny, because no records are kept of their numbers or age, because their own armies deny they exist. Let's make them visible."

yours truly,

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