Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Post on A Long Way Gone

I really liked the book, but I thought it left the reader hanging and I don't know if I would read the sequel. There were parts of the book where I felt very apathetic towards Ishmael Beah and all of the people he encountered. There were times when I was absolutely repulsed by what Beah could do with a gun. And there were times when I was really hoping Beah would get better in his rehabilitation process. I would recommend the book to anyone, but I would forewarn them that there are times that it does get slow, and in my opinion it was never a fast read even at the interesting parts. Beah is truly an inspirational person and I very much respect him for what he has come over as a person. Some of the choices he has had to make as a human being have been so unfair and no one especially no child should ever have to make any choice like he did when faced between his life or the life of others.

I'm glad I read this book to coincide with my project for invisible children. It gave a more in depth look at what a child soldier really goes through in the field and what they need to go through after they get off the field rehabilitation wise. I really hope that more people can understand how important it is to protect the rights of children and how much help they need and will need for the rest of their lives if they ever have to fight as a child.

yours truly,

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